Paul Dyson President, RailPAC
Robert Manning SW Rail Passenger Association
Mr. Joe Yannuzzi advised that a demonstration train for the Coachella Valley for the year 2010, requiring three daily trains would not be in the realm of possibility before 2011, and would depend largely on the availability of equipment, personnel, freight carrier agreements and a host of other items that need securing. However, after a lengthy discussion regarding routes, equipment, cost and schedules it was decided that we should consider one daily train to start the process. Joe advised that with one round trip train he may be able to achieve something in a more reasonable time frame. It was also suggested that the most desirable route from Los Angeles would be serving the cities of Fullerton and Riverside then continuing east to Palm Springs. This was the route that was that was recommended in the COACHELLA VALLEY PASSENGER RAIL FEASIBILITY STUDY OF 1999, prepared for CVAG.
Mr.Yannuzzi went on to say that Amtrak is very interested in providing thistype of service and that he is forming a group to study this matter.
We know that there are many challenges ahead, but with Mr. Yannuzzi at the helm I feel certain that we will have daily passenger train service in the Coachella Valley.
I also advised that I would report back to Mr. Yannuzzi with requested train departure times and the preference for Pacific Surfliner type equipment.
Robert Manning, President, Southwest Rail Passenger Association